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Chris Mays Mar 31st 2012 at 01:47:31 PM
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researching my brothers WII experiences in the 1275th Battalion

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Youngstown OH originally--now live in League City TX

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Would like to find out about the 1275th Battalion to which my brother William Mays belonged. He departed for Europe in May of 1944, served in Northern France, the Ardennes, and the Rhineland


Nancy Mar 28th 2012 at 10:39:54 AM
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google search for WWII 83rd

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Hi, I was doing a google search for any information on the 83rd WWII (I have found many sites) and came across a listing for this one, which seems to be no longer in operation. Is is possible for me to see it here, or can you tell me where it went?

A07-07-07 83rd Infantry Division
My dad was not an engineer during WWII, but I am interested in any information connected to his division, it just helps fill in knowledge. Thank you!


michelle Mar 13th 2012 at 08:26:02 PM
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looking up bridge photos for my Papa who was in 1303D combat engineers

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Florida ,my Papa was from Pa.

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My Papa played guitar with Steve.


michelle lynn burgett Mar 10th 2012 at 06:20:14 PM
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on the nra website

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i would like to know if don is a part of my family if so please get a hold of me to let me know and i am proud to know that there is a burgett out in this world that is a American hero


Patty Schwarz Mar 5th 2012 at 03:38:05 PM
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Looking up 6 Corps

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Nichols, New York

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Frederick Taylor was in the Army WW2 36th division 142 infantry Regiment Company ? He was a veteran that served in the Africa and Italy Campaigns Dad passed away 1990 and thats about all I know of his war record He told me once about one sentence that he lost his company on those hills of Italy
Your site is helping me find the 142 nd after Anzio One interview of a veteran on you tube said they spearheaded the 6th corps ? I have just ordered "The Hunter and The Hunted" by Bennett Palmer Thank you for your site Keeping our Dads and Grand- dads sacrifice remembered


Karl D. Sielaff Mar 4th 2012 at 05:09:36 PM
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google search of the 343 engineers

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Brockport , NY

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I just stumbled across a picture of my dad Karl E Sielaff. On the back says : Company E 343 Engineers Dec 13 1945.


Lynn Beres Mar 3rd 2012 at 02:22:59 PM
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Researching for information on my father

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Granger, IN

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My father was a US Army Corps of Engineer in WWII. I am beginning to research more and am trying to find his military records. He left me a map with a list of all the cities his unit traveled and what type of work they did at each. He also brought back some memorable items. I have his uniform so I will check all the patches to try and find out more.


STAN NOVAK Feb 28th 2012 at 06:00:29 PM
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John Hartel` Feb 24th 2012 at 09:29:11 AM
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Just Looking

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Grand Rapids, MI

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Very nice website and the service you are providing around your basic topic. Is you store based around this activity or is it something different. It' good to hear from you again. See ya.


Robert Hamilton Feb 21st 2012 at 11:40:13 AM
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Doing Research

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Windsor On. //Bay City Mi.

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Looking for info on the 87th infantry , 345 Regiment. Specifically time frame of April 7- 9 . The 345 liberated some Canadian prisoners of war in Tambach Germany area. My Dad was one of those liberated. Looking for any info anybody has on this. Also at this time I would Like to thank the 87th and the 345 reg. for liberating my Dad. For Any soldier and any family member my thanks is not enough but please take with you that my Dad lived a very good and long life and was grateful of what you did everyday. Thanks Again.


Joy Stopher Feb 20th 2012 at 01:07:27 PM
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Louisville, KY

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I am looking for Sergeant W.C. "Clyde" Slayton or his family - I have pictures of him that I would like to get to return to him or his family. My mother-in-law dated him while he was in the service.


Chris Cornelius Feb 7th 2012 at 03:01:33 PM
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Looking for some info on Uncle

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Dubuque, Iowa

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My Uncle was with the 135th 34th division Private Eugene F. Cornelius was 19 years old when he was killed, but there is some cunfusion just where he was killed. Back in those days the info wasn't the best. They originally said he dies at Anzio, but after so many years I had heard Monte Cassino Italy. Did want to find out info before Dad passed away in "06, but Mom's still alive. Dad and his three brothers were in the Navy and Eugene couldn't get in because of his poor eye sight, so he joined the Army. Would like anything you know about him or where he died. Thanks, Chris


Martin Matin Feb 5th 2012 at 10:13:09 PM
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Struggling with my my Dad's WWII research. Enlisted from Chicago in 1944, trained at Rock Island Arsenal (I think), Shipped-out to Australia, then to ORO BAY, NEW GUINEA. He called his unit "447th COMBAT ENGINEERS" and they were a BASE DEPOT COMPANY at ORO BAY. Eventual movement to Philippines near/at end of war, where he was seriously wounded by Huk terrorists. Six months hospital in Manila. NARA has come-up with two morning reports from the 447th Headquarters Company. That and Dad's photos is all I have. Flood at home in the 50s and terror attack at NARA in the 70s has left a gaping hole in my research - anything anyone can do to help fill in the blanks is a blessing. I thank you in advnce. martin


William T Hoedel Jan 22nd 2012 at 04:05:37 PM
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found it on bing search

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Boulder Colo

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This is William T Hoedel and I am Bill Hoedels son and would like to know if I can locate a detailed map of uncle Bobs units movement from normandy all the way thru Europe thank you


Roger W. Hall Jan 13th 2012 at 12:21:44 PM
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I was trying to find out about my uncle's unit @ D day, 37th Eng. Bat.

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I am a res. of Orange Co. , CA

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My uncle landed on Omaha beach on D day and I would like to find out all I can. He was with the 37 engineer Bat.. I can't ask him becouse he pased away in march. Is there a unit sevivers oginization ? is there a unit museum ?


Donald Woods, Jr. Jan 9th 2012 at 12:43:28 PM
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While trying to reseach my Dad's WWII unit

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Hartford, CT

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My father served in Company A, 1301st GS Reg. He passed away when I was seven years old so I've never known much about his time in Europe. Can you tell me when the Regiment entered Europe? Also, I remember my Dad telling me about passing through the Panama Canal at Colon. What did the unit do in the Pacific Theater? Thank you for your service to the United States!


Greg Hoyle Dec 14th 2011 at 07:30:16 PM
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I entered 373rd eng general service reg company

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Dekalb IL

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I have attempted on many occasions to do some research on my Dad's service experience in WW 2. My Dad passed in 1988 and as a veteran myself I felt a desire to try to learn more about his experiences. I am lucky enough to have many photos and his certificate from the 373rd's accomplishments in Lahavre France from 21 SEP 44 to 25 NOV 44.


Chris Shawver Nov 29th 2011 at 10:15:04 AM
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recommended by a daughter of one of these brave soldiers.

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Louisville KY

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We are so fortunate, as a nation, to have these brave men. Thanks for your sacrafice, patriotism, and selflessness.


Uwe Sewing Nov 22nd 2011 at 07:40:22 AM
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D-46519 Alpen, Germany

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Hello. I´m am searching for Photos. Documents and facts from my Town ALPEN ( ALPON) in Germany or other nearest Towns ( Veen, Bönninghardt incl.Field Airport, Forest the LEUCHT, Menzelen, Issum, Sonsbeck and so on.)you had only one on your page are their more in your archiy ?? Thanks for your efforts. Please contact me under Best regards


W. McArther Nov 17th 2011 at 01:59:07 PM
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lookiing for WWII music (Bell Bottom Trousers)

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Gulfport MS

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What a great website!! Could just listen to the music all day. Thank you for all the stellar effort, not to mention the history lesson! Thanks again


Ann Scherzinger Nov 13th 2011 at 06:56:06 PM
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I was researching the 237th in honor of my veteran father on Veteran's Day.

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Denver, Colorado

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I believe it was here that I found a copy of a typewritten letter from a member of the 237th just after the end of the war. I sent it on to my dad who says that much of it is similar to his experience - although he was in Company B while the author was in Company A. I\'d say that\'s pretty good for a first try!

You may find that he signs up to take a look through your site as well: Richard J. Scherzinger.

Thank you for all of your hard work!



Bob Carlson Oct 12th 2011 at 02:14:59 AM
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searching for info on the 348th Combat Engineers Battalion WWII

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Midland, Michigan

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My father was with Company C of the 348th and landed with the 18th RCT on Omaha. His Higgens boat was hit and a number of people hurt. He and a fellow named DeNardo were together under fire for some time. I do not know the names of any other members in his unit. I have VMail from him and I was born in Swansea where they were stationed before the invasion. Would like to talk to and chat with any other vets from Co. C or their families


Dean R. Kahler Oct 8th 2011 at 08:29:07 PM
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canton Ohio

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My Father was in the 174 Combat Engineer in WWII. Leyte Island invasion and Okinawa invasion. I can not find any information about them anywhere. Could you help me?


Fernando Marquez Oct 6th 2011 at 04:55:44 PM
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Anaheim, Ca

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Reaserching a Pvt. Fernando A. Pena Jr. ASN# 39297989 C/326 AEB KIA 1 Jan 1945 Sennonchamps,Belgium any pic's or info would be welcome.


pamela cilfone Oct 1st 2011 at 08:24:50 PM
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dedicated search

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connecticut, currently living in florida

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I am trying to find out information regarding my father Donald Solomon, he was from Green Bay, Wis, he was married at the time he was overseas and had one child, he was in North Africa building an air strip --both my parents have passed away and we have lost all our info
if anyone has any thing I would be very gratful Pam cilfone


Laureen Whitney Sep 27th 2011 at 05:05:38 PM
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Upstate NY

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You have some interesting information and pictures. I'm looking for information on my fathers unit all his seperation papers say is: 1989th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting. I have no idea what armuy or unit or anything where would I find that?


Nestor Centeno Sep 17th 2011 at 11:17:18 AM
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From Ron Velez, son of Manuel Velez

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New York City and Temple, TX

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Impressive site! Saw pictures of my father in law (Manuel Velez) I've never seen before.
The family is happy to have sent you a few more pictures of Manuel and other soldiers. I think you'll find the (1st ?) reunion picture interesting.
Thanks for all the work you put into the site!


Joe Hinton,Jr. Sep 15th 2011 at 04:17:06 PM
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yahoo search of 97 division 322

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Safford, AZ.

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My father was Capt. J.H.Hinton,M.D. of the 97th, Division, 322 Medical Battalion. He died in 1974. I would be interested in sharing what few stories he told me, he was one of the 'non-talkers". He was the first Medical Officer to arrive at the liberation of Dachau. His unit was always behind enemy lines waiting for the injured to reach the field hospital they had set up. THANK YOU.


Carl Stefanelli Sep 14th 2011 at 09:51:33 AM
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Carl Furtado

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Paramus, NJ

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I am Tony Stefanelli's son. I want to thank you for all the work you have done to memorialize these engineer units. Hope to see you this year in Pa.


Trudi Peek Sep 14th 2011 at 01:53:06 AM
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Dedicated search

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Helena, Montana

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I am eagerly trying to contact any of the three daughters of Col. Adrian Williams, an Army Engineers (in the 291st? the 207th? I don't know). I do know he was involved in building bridges for the crossing of the Rhine in WWII. He, his wife Myrle and his daughters lived in Helena, Montana. His daughters names are: Beverly, Carole, and Dale.


Jerry Aschermann Aug 27th 2011 at 05:13:31 PM
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Cannot remember... been to many years ago

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Now Kentucky before Missouri, Illinois, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Wyoming

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Been moving and haven't had time to listen to any great music... somewhat startled when my bookmark would not open to the great music of yesteryear... need to figure out what the right URL is for music. These pages make a definite contribution to the memory of the Greatest Generation as well as exposing the younger people with music that could be and should be heard rather than the noise that all the radio stations play. A great collection of music that fewer and fewer people remember coming live on the static producing tube radio of 1943. Great music. Bravo....


Irving Edelstein Aug 4th 2011 at 10:03:43 PM
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Manhatten, Coney Island, Bensonhurst, East Bronx. and Yonkers,New York

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Yours truly served with the 49th Engr Combat Battalion/Headquarters Company in the European Theater. Landing on Utah Beach was only one of five campaigns in which my unit served. Thanks to my long term memory, I could possibly recall the names of those in Hq company, but not those in the line companies A,B,C. Am in my late 80's but still have all my "marbles".


Dennis Lawing Aug 3rd 2011 at 03:54:46 PM
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WWII Interest. Grandfathers in WII, both died in the 70's. One with the 28th Infantry Division, 112th Regiment B Company. The other with the 540th Engineers also captured in France and was a POW, Stalag 12.


Romeo Sanchez Aug 1st 2011 at 10:00:11 PM
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My father was in the 3802 QM truck company. Please e-mail me infromation on the 3802 QM truck company and on 69 signal cor


Robert Rosenberg Jul 19th 2011 at 04:52:09 PM
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Philadelphia, PA

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This is a wonderful site I stumbled across it while researching informaation about my maternal uncle Robert E. Rutan. Thank you.


Karl Howard Huffman Jul 19th 2011 at 06:32:30 AM
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My father Howard Wayne Huffman served with the 39th during WWII. I would appreciate any info on him.


Mary Kuhlemeyer Clark Jul 7th 2011 at 11:50:21 AM
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Searching for info on my dad

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Pearl City IL; currently living in Centennial CO

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My dad, Eugene B. Kuhlemeyer (Ike), served in the 5th Army, 39th Combat Engineers in WW II. My husband and traced his time in WW II a few years ago, going to Sicily, Anzio, and other parts of Italy listed on his discharge papers and letters. Are there 39th Engineers out there who would tell me more?


Catherine Woodry/Wightman Jul 3rd 2011 at 11:34:38 AM
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Searching for information on 343 Co L

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born in CA, live in MD

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I think I have found a new link to locating my Father's military history, I see what you have done and found, it gives me new hope. Thank you so much for sharing your Father with us. Cathie


ben rist Jun 8th 2011 at 09:28:49 PM
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Searching for info on 2828 engineer combat and meeting Col Kent in Savannah.

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Pittsfield NH

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I have an amazing scrape book that my dad put together with many photos and items from the war that I would love to share, and would love to find other photos from his unit


Capt Ravinder May 16th 2011 at 12:30:48 PM
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I heard so much about your site that I decided to view it. Also I am fond of Army Songs.


Chris Marrs May 5th 2011 at 12:35:02 PM
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Searching for Lt. John Madison Mason

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Gaithersburg Maryland

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I was able to find what I belive is the last photographic Image of my uncle Lt. John Madison Mason "Jack" in the Home page photos on this site. His widow is still alive and I have been able to share these photos with her so this has been a blessing. I am hoping to learn more. Uncle Jack was lucky enough to be returned to the States and is now intered at Arlington Cemetary. Hoping there may still be an old friend still alive that may have additional information. Before Operation Market Garden my father was able to see Jack days before his mission. My father is Lt. Don Franklin Marrs of the 8th Airforce B17 Intellegence Uncle Jack was my mothers sisters (Connie Harris Mason) husband.


James B.Watson, Jr. May 2nd 2011 at 09:24:13 AM
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Ruckersvilee, VA

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James B. Watson, Sr. is my Father. He died in 1985 of Cancer. He was with the 39th Combat Engineer. He was in four invasion. Africa, Sicily, Italy (twice). Wounded twice. Spend days on Anzio beach head. I\'ve been told his combat record was destroyed in a fire in St. Louis. Would like to hear about his campaigns. We didn\'t talk about the War when I was growing up. I miss him a lot and regret not learning more about his service to his country.


Rosanne Romano Apr 21st 2011 at 06:56:17 PM
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my friend whose name is Tony Coulter

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New Jersey

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I would love to be a member of this awesome website. I am the very proud daughter of a WWII veteran. My father who passed away 2 years ago was my warrior, hero and love of my life. He was part of Company B, 294th Combat Engineers and fought with honor, courage and commitment on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. He was awarded the purple heart which I will treasure for the rest of my life. I would love to part of this wonderful site.


Theron P. Snell Apr 17th 2011 at 09:59:02 PM
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Looking for information/contacts re: the 36th's role in Fedela in November 1942. Looking especially to correspond with veterans who were therer...and for data regarding the 36th's role unloading ships in Fedela Harbor.


Kacee Davis Apr 13th 2011 at 12:52:19 PM
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Forney, TX

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I found this site while researching information on my grandfather Lloyd George Hull. He served in Company H 345th Infantry, 87th infantry Division which would be right along with the the story you have on James Hennessey (I am guessing). he served in Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. He passed away 5 years ago and it still amazes me to read stories about what he went through along with all the other soldiers. He was the most gentle and kind man I have ever know. Thank you for this site!


Thomas Nastasi Apr 9th 2011 at 11:15:01 AM
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Cold Spring Ny 10516

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Looking for anyone who served with my uncle Pvt. Anthony(Guy)Nastasi,from Cold Spring NY 10516 he was with the 143rd 36th inf division co.B he fought in Italy (Anzio) and was KIA on Sept 22,1944 in France. He fought in five major battles before being killed. Anthony was one of 12 kid\'s my Dad was the youngest he was 14 when Anthony died.


Joseph Berkery Mar 28th 2011 at 09:57:32 PM
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48th Combat Engineers website

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Albany NY

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My father served in the 48th Combat Engineers, unfortunately he died in 1977. I never had the chance to talk about ww2 much so thank for some of the pictures and stories.


Rich Morgan Mar 18th 2011 at 08:58:05 PM
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In a google Image seach for the 101st Airborne Signal Co

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New Jersey

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It seems to be an amazing site with helpful info on doing research into a soldier's military history.


Marlene Mar 5th 2011 at 08:40:27 PM
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My mother was a French war bride, I research all kinds of sites about WWll


Dr Kenneth k Gordon Mar 2nd 2011 at 01:30:58 PM
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Member of 1251st Eng Cmbt Btn from 1044-1945. Saw you site on Google and it peaked my interest .Our Ist reunion was was not held until 1994, 50 years after our unit was formed we did not socialize. Will be happy to tell you all I can remember Kg


YVONNESCRIGGINS Feb 28th 2011 at 10:55:48 AM
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Ed (Pru) Pruett Feb 21st 2011 at 03:18:50 PM
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Thank you for this site and those wonderful songs from 1941 to 1945. I listened to most of them with my mom. Also, I waited for the newsreel to come on when I went to the movies in the 40s. My dad and most of my family were in the Pacific. I lost on uncle in the Mediterranean. His destroyer was sunk by a lucky shot from an E Boat. He was at his gun position which was just over the main magazine. The ship was DD 405. It sunk in less than one minute. 63 men survived.

My dad and my uncle were on Iwo Jima when the flag was raised. One was a Marine, the other Navy. They did not know the other was there.

Me, I joined after Korea. I was in Germany for a few months before they got their independence. I love these old tunes.

Master Sergeant Ed Pruett (retired)


Ricardo Lavecchia Jan 31st 2011 at 06:07:58 AM
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São Paulo - Brasil

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Meus parabéns, otimo site, otimas fontes, tem muita coisa para conecher melhor o conflito.


Dave Dye Jan 29th 2011 at 11:30:12 AM
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From the 70th web sit

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Champaign Ill

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I'm making a scrapbook on my dads ww11 history. He was with the btry A 348th FA BN. Some of the campaign's he took part in where Rome-Arno,Northern Apennines, PO Valley GO40 WD 45.His name is Sheriley A Dye.If anybody knows him please e-mail me.


Michael D. Gray Jan 28th 2011 at 10:56:52 PM
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Looking for information on my Dad's unit

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Pleasant Hill, Missouri

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My dad served in the Army Combat Engineers on Saipan. I am not sure what his unit or division was. His name was Sgt. James W. "Bill" Gray. He told many stories of building roads and airfields. Have many pictures he took of his buddies and their pet monkey "Jocko". Would love to hear from anyone who might have known him. My Dad passed away 8 years ago. He was very proud of service in the Army Engineers.


gary lytle Jan 27th 2011 at 12:58:17 PM
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My father served with the 147th combat engineers during ww11 I have his dd-214 just wondering if anyone knew him he was very good at playing the piano, his name was ralph Lytle

thank you


Kellye Roberts Jan 25th 2011 at 10:05:25 PM
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Googled 36th eng

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Manchester TN

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I am the daughter in law of Toy D Roberts he is 90 years old this March and was looking at information from his time with the 2827 C Bn.


Lance (Old Guy) Jan 24th 2011 at 05:27:31 PM
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Googled 540th Combat Engineers

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Fort Collins Colorado

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My father-in-law, Burdette


Pat Winship Jan 4th 2011 at 01:43:32 PM
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Google search for 2828th Engineers

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New Jersey

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I am the daughter of Sergeant Donald E Rodgers. I have my dad's photo albums, and his letters to my mother. Just going through them, preparing to do some preservation on them. Nothing drastic, just getting them out acidic albums and into archival plastic sleeves.


Keith Whitcomb Jan 1st 2011 at 03:34:33 PM
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Online Research

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Baumholder, Germany (Stationed)

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Hello, I ran across your website while looking for information for the 348th Engineer Battalion from WW II. I'm trying to capture pictures and stories of the 348 to post in my units area. Our lineage for the 40th begins with the 348th engineer battalion. I'm trying to contact Old Soldiers that may want to share some information with my unit. It is important to know our history and never forget....Hoping you may have some contacts.. Thanks, great web-site..!! Peace to you.. CSM Whitcomb


mary benz Dec 20th 2010 at 06:15:04 PM
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My Grand Uncle Master Sgt. Edward J Sullivan was with the 207th on the LST-523 --KIA 6-19-44. Does anyone remember him. He also helped build the AL-CAN Hi-way with the 341st. What a
happened on the LST 523 is posted on the 300th eng webiste . I looked and looked for 207th and there was no website. How can we copy my uncle's records so it's one the 207th webiste. Alot of men Army and Navy died 6-19-44 and I think it would be nice if there was a memorial for them. v


Susan Herrin Dec 12th 2010 at 08:31:25 PM
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friend emailed one of your letters

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Alabama by way of Iowa

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Am very interested in your site!


jim deni Dec 9th 2010 at 10:49:47 PM
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richard fietz jr

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did some computer work for Mr Fietz today, and he informed me of this site. My father was in the 24th division 19th infantry regiment in 1945, I would be interested to see info about his ww2 times. I want him to post to your site.


JAZZMAN JOE Dec 9th 2010 at 04:41:17 PM
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Robert Knight Dec 1st 2010 at 02:25:12 PM
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I was looking for information on the unit my grandfather, Kenneth Gardener Knight, served with in the "army of occupation" as I remembered it. He passed away in 1972 and only recently I found mementos of his army days. I have a citation from "Company C 1264th Engineer Combat Battalion that Pfc Kenneth Knight is authorized to wear the...Victory Occupation... ribbon" signed by William P Cullum 1st Lt CE Commanding. I also have a citation dated 8 Sept 45 that he is authorized to "wear and expert rifle qulification badge" signed by Charles J Nilsson, Capt. Inf.

Any info on this would be appreciated.

PS. Love the website!


Chuck Burns Nov 21st 2010 at 11:09:28 AM
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Trying to find out more about my father's experiences in WW2. He was in at least one combat engineer battalion. He died when I was young.

Tried to join your forum, but something is not working right at my end or its end. Can't get past the two verification words.


Leona Sevy Nov 19th 2010 at 05:29:03 PM
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Googled 343 Army Engineers

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Caldwell, Idaho

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Thank you for this website. I've been reading my father's letters home from WWII. How little I know about what he experienced during the war. Naturally, his letters home told nothing of his conflicts because he didn't want to alarm his family. He was in Co. A of the 343rd Engineers and went by the name "Little Andy" (real name, Merritt Basil Anderson.) If anyone has recollections of him, I would like to hear them. Thank you.


barry Nov 16th 2010 at 09:56:25 AM
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i googled wwII

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great page


Nathan Smock Nov 11th 2010 at 04:32:14 PM
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My grandfather was a member of the 36th Engineers. Really enjoyed looking at the site. He passed away in 1997. He would have really enjoyed perusing the photographs and memoirs. Thanks for doing this!


Roberto Hanz Oct 23rd 2010 at 10:39:46 PM
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Born in Caracas, Venezuela and also from Brookline ,MA.

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It is a real nice site , Thank you very much


Pamela Huebner Steadman Oct 20th 2010 at 08:27:33 PM
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From my Dad, Howard Huebner

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Saginaw, Michigan originally Marathon, Fl now

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Thank you for the wonderful article on my father, Howard, Huebner, and for keeping it current. He is an American Hero as all of our troops are. His film, Howard the Hero, is being shown around the world and if you have a chance to see it ---- don't miss it. His thought is that all soldiers, especially from WWII, should tell their story so that no one forgets. It is a memorable film. Keep up the great work on keeping all this alive for future generations to come. My greatest compliment to those that helped put this article on your site. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Pamela Huebner Steadman


Joe Specker Sep 26th 2010 at 02:10:14 AM
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Google search for the 48th combat engineers

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You have a great site, first of all. second, does anyone know anything about Sgt. Joe Specker? He would be my great, great uncle, but no one in my family knows anything about him aside from the paragraph describing how he received his medal. I would like to know more about him and his unit. If anyone knows anything about him, could you please let me know? Thank you!!!!


Mary Durst Sep 3rd 2010 at 10:25:38 PM
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I believe your unit liberated my father from a force labor camp on April 8, 1945. I have been searching for the camp from which he was liberated and was lead to the Ammunition Factory in Siegburg, or in the bordering town of Troisdorf by their local historian in that area. He was an American GI being held at a labor camp with Russians, Italians, Jews - he said whole families. Can you tell me if there were American's in any the camps you liberated?


Mike Clark Sep 1st 2010 at 04:28:54 PM
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My father, Herbert NMI Clark was (I believe) a Captain in the 1252nd. He died in 1985. served in 1944 until VE day. Mom got rid of everything (pics, letters) before her death. Has anybody heard of Captain Clark?
thanks in advance


Einar Madsen Aug 28th 2010 at 10:41:08 PM
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Hi, I am Jeannie Madsen Smith. My 92 year old Dad ask me tonite to try and track down info on the US Army Engineers 1017 Treadway Bridge Company. He also is interested in finding an old Army buddy named Eddie King (wife Betty) from Bronx, NY. If anyone has any info for my Dad, I surely would appreciate an email to
Thanks so much


Thomas Anschütz Aug 27th 2010 at 01:07:06 PM
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53804 Much Germany

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To whom it may concern: Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command and Mucher Citizens inaugurated an American Memorial in Much Germany on August 2008 for the American Soldiers killed in action liberating the community Much from tyranny in World War II on 11 th April 1945. We believe that soldiers from the 97th Infantry Division were KIA liberating our town Much and would like to know their names to honor these fallen American Soldiers. Can you help me in this respect. Sincerely Thomas Anschütz Colonel M.D. German Air Force Reserve Birkenweg 6 53804 Much Germany


John Aug 15th 2010 at 03:58:23 PM
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looked it up

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Great site. I have a good friend that was in the Combat Engineers. We just celebrated his 90th birthday. His name is Clarence W. Futch. If anyone knew him during the war or later wars, I would like to hear from you so I can relay to 1SG Futch (ret).


mike zellers Aug 12th 2010 at 03:51:01 PM
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searched 343rd combat engineers

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Thanks for doing this. My Dad [Arthur A Zellers] was with the 343rd combat engineers for some period of time at least in Germany. He started in Casablanca. Any place to look at rosters, lists or info regarding him would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Mike


otto polsz Aug 10th 2010 at 04:23:47 PM
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trevose,pa use to live in phila,pa

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am still looking for anyone connected with the 257th combat engineers


Bert Kliebisch Jul 30th 2010 at 03:34:57 PM
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Great site Marion


Dale Winkler Jun 24th 2010 at 09:47:09 AM
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Great Site!! I am trying to get more information on the 187th Engineer Combat Battalion. I have documents from Bowling Green University from the Robert Warren Wolfe Collection that icludes letters, passenger list from the SATURNIA, and photos from his scapbook. I am looking for a copy of the book "Story of the 187the Engineer Combat Battalion: Central Europe, Ardennes, Rhineland" written by 1LT Melvin L. Epstein, a member of "C" Company. Anyone knowing where I can purchase a copy of this book, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
SFC(R) Dale Winkler


Jerry Palmese Jr Jun 19th 2010 at 04:44:44 AM
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google search 235th engineers company B / 48th engnrs

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have my dads letter mailed from Luzon sept 8, 1945 sent to his mom my grandmother.he makes references to: jan 4,1944 / Mt.Porchia -presedential unit citation awarded.!st to reach Anzio beach head in company strength after the 48th.......he mentioned combat at Cassino, the drive to Rome; the Gothic Line and as he put it the final drive through the Poe Valley.I have lots of great pictures that I will post if anyone can recommend a good sight. Some of his buddies in the photos will be recognizable to some of you out there.


Barbara Patterson Jun 15th 2010 at 06:37:13 PM
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known because of contact with me and Dad

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Would appreciate a call from you. Just found out you got published. Need to talk to you.


Jennifer Specker Smith May 31st 2010 at 06:30:14 PM
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Having visited my great uncle's, Sgt. Joe Specker, grave today, I wanted to share with my children some of their family history. Your site is new to me and I enjoyed reading your research.


Bob "Skip" Amant May 31st 2010 at 02:11:34 PM
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My mother just celebrated her 91st two days ago. Her older (and only) brother, Carl Schwanderlik, was with the U.S. Army 39th Engineers Combat Regiment and was killed 3/26/1944 at the age of 22 while mine sweeping in Anzio, Italy. Mom recalls the letters her mother received and the disturbing reports from comrades that Pvt. Schwanderlik was killed by friendly fire, which the Army tried to cover up. He was buried in the Sicily-Rome American Cemetary in Nettuno, Italy although a grave marker was supposedly placed in the Bohemian National Cemetary in Chicago, IL.


Janne Lanzoni May 30th 2010 at 04:55:23 PM
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I was looking up my Dad's WWII discharge papers and googled some of the battles.

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Wallingford, Connecticut now Houston, Texas

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My Dad was Robert Anthony Lanzoni from Wallingord, CT. served from 10/9/41 until 8/31/45 on his papers he was in the Rhineland, Central Europe, Algeria, French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Naples, Foggia, Rome, Arno, Southern France. I was looking through your pictures in the gallery and thought that I recognized him in a few. He passed in 1986. I have some pics of him somewhere in uniform. If I find them can I just post them on your site? He met and married my Mom in Plattsburg while stationed there. She passed last April. They went to some of the 36th reunions. Last one they went to was a while ago in Hershey,Penn in the late 70's. Thanks for the web site.


J. Okie Sheldon May 29th 2010 at 08:18:34 PM
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Grandson of Okie L. Sweem. Trying to find out which unit of the Combat Engineers he served with. I know he spent time in Guam.


lynn yvette rogers May 23rd 2010 at 09:04:55 AM
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i am sitting with my mum who is 95 years old 1914 listening to your music ....she is singing along , and it's making my eyes cry !!!!! x
Thankyou xxxxxx


Bill Lane May 15th 2010 at 01:28:03 PM
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Searching for info on the 36th Combat Engineer Battalion - WWII

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Smithtown, Long Island, NY

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I am searching for information on my uncle, Pfc. Thomas P. Lane, assigned to the 36th Combat Engineers during WWII. I believe he died on Dec 17th or 19th, 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge. I would appreciate any information that any of the surviving vets can give me. Uncle Tom was a good looking guy, Irish born and I'd bet had a thick Irish brogue. If anyone knew him please contact me at Thanks


Charles S. Bajnai, Jr. May 1st 2010 at 12:28:29 AM
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My dad, Charles S. Bajnai Sr. (12-3-1924 to 9-22-1970) was in the 143 Regiment/36th Division and wounded in Italy. He was from Detroit, Michigan. His discharge papers say he was: PFC/ Infantry/ AUS(?)/rifleman- campaigns: Naples-Foggia.

He was wounded in the right shoulder, received the Purple Heart, and was discharged from Ashford General Hospital, W.VA (the Greenbriar) on 12/22/1945.


Ronald Davidson Apr 27th 2010 at 09:06:57 PM
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searching for combat engineer unit 255th

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I am looking for persons that served in the 255th Engineers ecpecially Company C. or any information on the 255th it was my Fathers unit. He was a demolition specialist 533 I have a picture of him with 8 other men I beleive was taken in England in an army camp.


Jerry Crabb Apr 26th 2010 at 11:00:30 AM
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I am looking for anyone that may have known Zelmond L. "Jim" Miller. He was a Tec. 5 with Company A, 209th Engineers, C Battalion, from 9 1943 until his discharge at Ft. Sheridan, Ill. on 1 December 1945.

This old man is now 92 years old and is a dear friend. As a fellow veteran, who fought in Cambodia and Laos, he has opened up a bit to me as we swapped "war stories" and I want him to be recognized as the great American hero he truly is. My experiences are nothing compared to his and I admire him to no end.

Jim has three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and the Presidential Service Award that all veterans from the Burma campaign have, and he still thinks he is just a common man who did his duty. I want to honor him by spreading the word about how this fine old man served his country.

I am asking everyone here to talk to thier fathers or grandfathers that served with the 209th, Company A, and let me know if they know Jim Miller. Like I said, he is now 92, has prostrate cancer, and I fear the next time I see my old friend will be at his funeral. Any information anyone here can give me will be greatly appreciated.


Rufus E. James Apr 1st 2010 at 03:44:55 PM
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I, was searching for info inref; to my uncle, TS5 Rufus E. Stiefer. He was killed 31Mar.1945 while serving with the 48th combat Engineers. Just been reading on your site and want to Thank You and All for your Service for the American People.


Richard Mathiason Mar 30th 2010 at 10:02:30 PM
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I have created a Blog in tribute to my father and the 181st Engineer Heavy Pontoon Battalion of WWII. I thought that you might enjoy reading it, as it a journal that my father received after the war. It has pictures and maps.

All The Best!

Richard Mathiason


Amy Brookman Mar 8th 2010 at 09:16:06 PM
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I am currently helping my father put together his recollections of serving at Anzio. He is now 89 years old; his name is Austin Farland Kilian. He was a supply sergeant in the 39th Combat Engineer Regiment. He lives in Palm Desert, California. He recognized the name of Stanley Dziuban when I read him some of the information from this website over the phone.


Barbara Grossmann Mar 3rd 2010 at 09:15:47 PM
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I searched for 343rd Engineers

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Old Bridge, NJ My mother met my father at Fort Dix CYO dance

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Searching for answers regarding my father Herman E. Barnes. I found
22 April 1945 Letter
343rd Engineers (GS)
APO 758, U.S. Army Third Anniversary Message
from Colonel Richard B. Dunbar
I just want to say thank you for your wonderful website.


Dianne Dill Feb 2nd 2010 at 09:09:28 PM
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Seeking information about my father in laws army buddies.

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He is from Beaverton, Alabama

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This is a wonderful website and has been a great deal of help in my search. Clinton Lecil Dill is almost 91 years old and in a nursing home. He looks upon his memories in the army in WWII with pride; I am trying to get information for him to give him something to occupy his mind and fill his empty days. Thanks so much for your help.


Marlis Wilson Jan 24th 2010 at 04:30:00 AM
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searching for 50th General Hospital information

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Shelton WA

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Scraping off mud from our boots - Carentan, France - 1944....I was pleased to see my mother in that picture. Her name was Emilie Jane Proctor and was from Spokane, WA, trained at Sacred Heart Hospital. I am collecting stories and pictures for a memorial scrapbook in her honor.


Robert Blethrow Jan 20th 2010 at 02:55:37 PM
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searching net for 17th AB 155D

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Orange County, Ca

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Just stumbled across this site. Great to see. I read the article on Ray Gonzales. My dad was in the 17th AB 155D earned 3 bronze stars, Bastogne, Varsity. Later transferred to 82nd AB 80 AA BN in Berlin and home for the Victory Parade in NY too! I have lots of pictures from the 155D and 80th that my dad took. Also from his
buddy Sgt. Bob Brooks also 155D who passed a few years ago.


Vince Pankoke Jr. Jan 9th 2010 at 07:17:06 PM
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My 85 year old Dad was in the 36th Combat Engineers, I Company during WWII (1943-1945) and is looking to connect with anyone who served with him.


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